Sunday, August 16, 2015

Food for thought on moship placement

Just started to work in hospital parit buntar,a place i dont really keen to work in.
I am writing this because quite frustrated with our healthcare systems,in this case,the selection and placement process of moship.

We have to report ourselves on the day we start  our moship,and prior to that,i believe many hos will call to get to know or book their places in certain hospitals.

However,the person in charge will not guarantee you for a place in that hospital.Many of the soon the be mo will meet up their own HOD,esp tertiary hospital to let them stay back,however the ultimate decision is on the person in charge in jabatan kesihatan negeri.

2 of my colleagues,whose their relatives are so n so pengarah or ex pengarah of certain hospitals,and able to get the hospital they wanted,and ordinary doctors like me,who have no big cables,will be given the excuses 'hospitals are full","too junior" etc etc.

I am quite frustrated that there is no transperency and regulations in this. I was told once we were thrown to district,it takes at least 1 year or more to start to apply to come back(not transfer back!).

Friday, November 21, 2014

Before and after chest tube cxr

Bear in mind that its quite hard to punture pleural surface during chest tube insertion,as should always directed inferiorly in this case

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What is this device?

ACT machine-to assess before removal of femoral artery catheter

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Patient came in witb dizziness and chest discomfort for 1 day,cardiac enzymes not other positive findings.

Monday, January 20, 2014

When housemen need to make referrals to superior


What are the differences and precautions between pneomothorax and haemothorax?